Privacy Policy

We Treat Your Personal Data In Confidence And With The Utmost Care.

Holland Fintech Association
PO BOX 75643
1118 ZR Amsterdam

Holland Fintech Association, hereinafter “Holland Fintech”, takes the protection of your privacy very seriously.

This Privacy Statement applies to all personal data collected and used by Holland Fintech and its subsidiaries and affiliates. The data in question is customer data as provided by you but also for example data on visits to our website, sign-ups for our newsletters, your attendance during our events or events of our partners and participation in campaigns or promotions.

Please be informed that in case you have subscribed for multiple services of Holland Fintech, your details such as name, email address and telephone number can be combined by Holland Fintech.

Holland Fintech will only use your data if you give your consent or if Holland Fintech needs your data to deliver (or has delivered) products or services to you. Holland Fintech will not sell your personal data to third parties.

Privacy And Cookie Statement​

Version June 2024